Industry 4.0 - What does it mean to your manufacturing business?

By Visdata Limited
schedule3rd Dec 15

As an IT software solutions provider, it is critical that we monitor trends and try to predict where markets move in the future. As a result, we need to be developing the tools now to enable our clients to maximise impending opportunities.

Last month, we attended a seminar outlining the impacts of Industry 4.0 on SME manufacturers.  This event was driven primarily by the EU and German Trade and Industry organisations but included influential Italian, Dutch and UK representatives.

The underlying message that came through was that they were “running scared of emerging economies” but determined to change the face of manufacturing in the EU to remain world leaders.

The solution was Industry 4.0. A massive shift in bringing together technology and automation with the use of data and Internet of Things (IoT), whilst streamlining processes to shorten lead-times and increase customisation.

The larger companies are taking this very serious and realise that in 5-10 years’ time, developing nations and high tech American companies like Apple and Google could be dominating the manufacturing market unless action is taken now. 

The topic by all speakers was “What EU manufacturers could do to be different and how to stand out?” The common belief was that the key is to provide customisable products with much quicker delivery.  From order to fulfilment should be hours, not days and the customer should be able to chose from a multitude of colours and options. A consumer driven economy, how they want it, now.

There is no way Asian countries could ever compete with this and American giants were still in the earlier days of the process. So what are the EU large corporates doing to steal a march?  We saw some good early examples, standards and infrastructures being developed, all revolving around a joined up manufacturing with orders, communicating directly and seamlessly with the production lines and supply chains.

They all needed clever and secure technology and £billions are being thrown into creating these platforms in an attempt for Europe to be world leaders in what the Germans call Industrie 4.0.

We are seeing a continual and increased interest of our aptly named product Vision Manufacturing which may be as a result of greater demand for information. We also believe the driving force that is Industry 4.0 has contributed to Visdata being appointed fund managers for grants to manufacturing industries to help build sustainable systems.. 

Our ability to demonstrate future technology today, will surely help our customers and partners win new business.

"Visibility is the key to greater control" - our exciting statement in everything we produce.  A big data driven sector allowing SMEs to react quicker and delivering almost bespoke  products in shorter turnaround times.

If you would like to hear more about our products or services, please contact us via our website